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Links to Sites with Original Designs/Mods

Send us your links to sites with designs/mods!

Andy Hofle's $20 Launch Pad - Andy has designed a very useable, inexpensive and easy to build launch pad.  His site gives detailed instructions, a parts list and many photos to help guide you.

Buzz Nau's Plans - Buzz has some very cool looking original futuristic designs here.  Also, a nice upscale of the Estes Blue Bird Zero.

Dean Walker's Shadow Project - Modifying an Estes Shadow to use interchangeable motor mounts for dual 24mm motors and 29mm motors.

Fred Talasco's Super Astron Ranger - Fred shows how he made a 160% upscale of the Astron Ranger using a Super Big Bertha kit.

Mark Recktenwald's Shadow "5" - This is a 5-engine cluster model of the Estes Shadow.

Mark Recktenwald's Saturn V - A very nice 1/154th scale scratch-built Saturn V.

Mike Rangitsch's Better Bertha - A Big Bertha that can be flown on an 18mm, 24mm or an 18mm cluster. Go to the "Forums" section on Rocketry Online. Type in your User Name and Password. Select the "How-To Classroom" Forum and enter "Better Bertha" in the search field.

Mike Schmidt's Bad Bertha - Mike's Bad Bertha is a cross between a Big Bertha and an Astron Sprint. It flies on the same engine combinations as the Better Bertha. It looks a lot like Doug Holverson's Wicked Winnie.

Paul Graf's Estes 1/70th Saturn 1b Clone - Paul shows his clone of this kit and also offers custom cloned wraps for sale to clone your own.

Star Pioneer's Recycled Rocketry - Great tips on how to make your own body tubes and use household items to build rockets.

Yitah Wu's Rocket Nostalgia and Scratchbuild Central - A great collection of hints and tips on building those classics.

A Shasta's - Model Rocket Home Page - Another great source of old model rocket plans online.

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