CONSTRUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Assemble a standard 18 mm Motor Mount and set aside. 2. Carve a balsa plug to the shape of the canopy, as shown on the plans, and finish with water-based polyureathane sealer. Attach the plug to a base similar to the one for the SCARAB canopy. Use the instructions for the CANOPY MAKING JIG to create the canopy. 3. Mark the BT-5P tube with two lengthwise lines the full length of the tube, 180 degrees apart. Using a fresh #11 blade, carefully cut the tube into two equal half-tubes. 4. Cut the fins and wing pieces from the sheet stock, and assemble the wing pieces to the strake pieces, as shown on the plans. Use weights and clamps to hold the pieces in correct alignment until the glue dries. 5. Wrap a piece of 220 grit sandpaper around the main body tube, and secure with tape. Cut the instrument housing from a 1/4" sheet of balsa, and sand to final shape. Bevel the sides inward toward the top as shown in the END VIEW. Round the front end of the piece as shown in the TOP VIEW. Sand a contour in the bottom face of the piece with the sandpaper tube, until the flat top is about 1/64" from the tube itself. DO NOT SAND COMPLETELY THROUGH THE PIECE! Mark both ends of the piece at the center of the wide dimension (the 7/8" dimension). 6. Cut each of the CR-45 rings into two identical half-rings. Using the sandpaper tube, round the cut edges of all four half-rings to conform to the curve of the tube. 7. Remove the sandpaper from the main body tube and mark the tube for four fins, 90 degrees apart. Pick one of these lines to represent the TOP of the tube, and one end of the tube to become the FRONT of the tube. 8. Attach the instrument housing to the TOP of the tube, with the rear of the housing even with the rear of the tube. Set aside to dry. 9. Glue one half-ring inside one of the half-tubes even with one end. Glue the other half-ring 1" back from the other end. Repeat this with the other half-tube and half-rings. 10. Measure down from the two lines drawn on the main tube at the 90 and 270 degree positions 3/32", and draw parallel lines for a distance of 5" from the rear of the tube. These lines represent the top glue lines for the intakes. Apply glue to the edges of the intakes (the half tubes), and attach them to the main body. The end with the flush ring is the rear of the piece. Hold these in place with tape or rubber bands until the glue dries. See the PROFILE VIEW and the END VIEW for positioning the pieces. 11. Attach the wings, strakes, and fins to the main body as shown on the plans, using the double-glue method found in Stine's Handbook. Hold these in place with clamps and jigs until completely dry. Attach the launch lug to the bottom line on the model, 3" from the rear. Allow to dry. 12. Cut the styrene intake panels and dry-fit these into the front openings of the intakes, as shown on the plans. These should remain FLAT, and at an angle when viewed from the front. Trim these to fit, then attach with glue and allow to dry. Round the front tips of the dowels, and attach these to the wing tips, as shown on the plans. Let dry. 13. Carefully thread the screw eye into the base of the nose cone, remove, and force glue into the hole. Reinsert the screw eye and let dry. 14. Assemble the parachute, and attach the shroud lines to one of the two swivels. Attach one end of the shock chord to the inside-front of the body tube, at a depth of at least 1", using a folded-paper mount. When dry, attach the other end of the chord to the other swivel. Attach both swivels to the screw eye. 15. Prime, sand, and finish this model in a two-tone Ghost Gray scheme for a scale appearance, or in "Blue Angel" blue with yellow and silver trim to match the show team. When the color is dry, spray a clear coat over the model and let this dry. Mask around the area where the canopy will attach, and paint this area black. When this paint has dried, attach the canopy to the body tube with RC-56 adhesive, let dry, then mask for the canopy frame. The color should be the same as the overall color for the model. 15. GO FLY!